Monthly Video Chat

edited July 2022 in General
I have scheduled a new set of regular Video chats for those of us who would like to keep in touch "remotely" 

First Wednesday of each Month,  at 4:30 PM UK time. 

The time was a compromise between taking up time late afternoon on boats and supper!. 

I try to send reminder emails to those who have previously taken part, but if you would like to participate, please send me an email or message and I will send you the Video link.
NOTE: we are now using "Jitsi"   and not ZOOM.  
It runs without add-ons on PC/Mac straight from the web browser using the link I will send. 
On Phones it works better if you have downloaded the app first:
If you can try the links before the meeting, you will find a "settings"(cog wheel icon) then go to "Profile", and set your name.. It should then remember when this when we have the meeting!.  

Hope to see you there..
 Screenshot 2022-02-02 172507


  • Great to see everyone on Wed. If anyone needs the ZOOM details for next month, or forgets!, please send me an Email ! InkedScreenshot 2021-02-03 172721_LI
  • The January 2022 chat was excellent, many thanks all who took part!. 
    As discussed, I am going to try a less expensive (!) different "Video platform" as an experiment for some extra meetings. I have done an initial test and "Jitsi meet" seems to work well on a PC or browser without any extra programs, 
    But  if you want to help me test this from a mobile device, you can prepare before hand and download "Jitsi Meet" for better performance and slightly less fuss logging in.. 

    I will email the meeting login instructions before the test meetings! - 
  • Screenshot 2022-02-02 172507
    Another great chat.. Thanks everyone. 
    The new Jitster video platform works well, so we will keep using it, but please remember to enter your name in the app when it asks -- or you will all be named on screen as  "Fellow Jitster". !   which can be slightly confusing!!   
    I will try to send simple "click here" links for the meeting next month.

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