Self steering on Catalacs

Hello folks,

Sea Spirits has an autohelm fitted, but has anyone heard of anyone ever fitting a wind vane type self steering mechanism on a Catalac?


Sea Spirits - Catalac 8m


  • No but I would like to try to design something that doubled as an emergency rudder

  • Never seen one on board a Catalac.
  • There are two videos on YouTube of a 9m with an independent rudder vane. I've tried contacting him to no avail. Anyone know the model of vane or owner?

  • edited March 2016
    I spotted that the same Youtube user uploaded some dolphin (or pilot whale?) videos around the same time and there is an intriguing close-up of the windvane in some bits. It may be possible to identify the type from this, but it looks perhaps home made? 

    Image captured from the video..

  • edited March 2016
    imageI have also found an old PBO article that discusses self steering for catamarans..
    You might also want to look at this site: "Self Steering Under sail".. 142 pages of interesting stuff!

    Hope this helps... Keep us informed if you try things out!.
  • Thanks folks, I´ll keep you all posted :-)
  • I can recommend a good read: 'Twelve Ships a sailing' byJim Andrews. ISBN 0 7153 8787 1.
    He describes a sailing career involving several cruising cats. On one, an early  Prout, he describes a successful self steerer designed by Henderson. It looks as if the vane controls the tiller  (No steering wheel) without trim tabs or secondary rudder.
    My Catalac has so much steering friction with cables and wheel that I think a direct control like this would need a huge vane. However, with sails reasonably balanced I feel that only small corrections are needed to keep on track. Maybe a situation not suitable for large corrections would be useful for long steady periods.
    Gallivanter 8m Catalac
  • Thanks Ra, I just ordered Twelve Ships a sailing on Amazon (hardback edition - one penny plus £2.80 postage!)
  • gallivanter  we find that the pulleys in the back port locker need constant greasing particulally the top single one ,the most difficult to get at , if that one becomes sticky the friction does increase considerably , this year im going to replace it with a 3 inch dia one may be with a ball race
  • Ok well from what I've found out its a 9m named Sinuan from poland.

    Apparently he intended to sail to Thailand via the Panama Canal.

    I am looking for crew on a cruise to the title; 1, 2 people with sea experience.
    The event is not commercial - it takes place "at cost", catamaran CATALAC 9.
    You can also consider the continuation of the expedition across the Pacific to Thailand.
    The lake Atlantic - Pacific
    Unit CATALAC 9
    Term December 2010

    Wonder if he made it...
  • Maybee I´m 3 years to late but I fitted an Aries to my catalac 9M:

    This video explaines how it works
  • Looks interesting thanks! 
  • We have just fitted new lift up rudders with trim tab fittings to connect to our st1000 . It has alway worked when attached to the centre of the rudder bar but it struggles in seas over 1 1/2 meters. The new rudders have a modified shape which have a bigger balance area , tapered 1inch 1/2 moved from the back of the plates to the front of the plates with an extra inch on the frount and 1 1/2 taken of the bottom. The rudder pulley s have been altered the top port one has now different fixings to enable easy removal and lubrication. I haven't fitted the trim tab system yet as I wanted to test the rudders during our trip to gurnsey this year .

    The improvement is sparkling , it is lighter more responsive on the helm, the st1000 still attached to center of rudder bar is quicker and maintains a course with less effort
  • We had the rudders made to an svg file by lakeland steel in Cumbria cost £124 for both including delivery is included laser profiling. We paid £ 100 for galvanising at a place in chesterfield from ordering to arrival was 5 days..
    The next job is to connect the trim tab up to the autopilot in the port cockpit locker we have the remote and it links to the plotter . Im putting it in the cockpit locker to keep it dry , it has a plastic cover on the back but its very exposed and keeping it very dry is a constant pause for thought. We have had the st1000 in use for 8 years but it will be happier working on the trim tab from the port locker .. I will post pics of how it connects when I finish , im hoping just the one trim tab on the port rudder will only be used.
  • That looks very interesting, I will be looking forward to seeing the final pictures!

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