Hi Scubacat I found the best genoa for the 8m Catalac was the orange one that is seen in the Catalac brochure, it enables you to point 30' of the wind and providing the main is not tight you will not get to much leeway. ME-AND-ER
Do you have any sail sizes we can post here? It would be incredibly useful.
I will try to measure Scubacats current sails once they come back from cleaning. Unfortunately we no longer have the old huge genoa she had when she was racing, but it did not allow one to point very high and sheeted back to tracks on the side of the cockpit.
I plan to fit some jib sheet tracks on the cabin top this winter to give adjustable sheeting with the smaller genoa/jib. Any dimensions or comments from people who already have these tracks would be appreciated.
Hi, and a happy new year to every one. I fitted long Genoa tracks on the deck head of Think Again, which work very well but I fitted them inside of the safety track but they probably should have gone to the outer edge of the deck head.Bob
Hi, I actually employed an expert to do the job, as it also entailed some work on the headlining inside. However in principle its reasonably easy, Place track, drill holes and then bolt through with suitable support. The "professional" thing is to check where the stringers are inside before finally placing the track, so that the bolts go through where you want them.
Another interesting tip I got was that nowadays the professionals often tap the fiberglass (I think it was M6) and fit machine screws where its a side load or it should not project inside. The end caps on mine are tapped, so I can remove the travelers if I need to without disturbing the "insides".
Just to say I secured my track using a wood strip along the head lining, I made resesses in the wood for the nuts to sit in and then sealed it to make a flush fitting, this also helps to hold up a sagging head lining.
Yes, I am a fan of wood strips, I sometimes refer to our cabin ceiling as a bit "Tudor"..
The initial strips I put up are about 10mm wide, but the bit that was put under the genoa tracks is much wider, and covers a ack hidden strip for the bolts and onto which the fabric was stapled after being cut. It holds what was droopy fabric up beautifully, and the visible wooden strip covers everything.
I found the best genoa for the 8m Catalac was the orange one that is seen in the Catalac brochure, it enables you to point 30' of the wind and providing the main is not tight you will not get to much leeway.
I will try to measure Scubacats current sails once they come back from cleaning. Unfortunately we no longer have the old huge genoa she had when she was racing, but it did not allow one to point very high and sheeted back to tracks on the side of the cockpit.
I plan to fit some jib sheet tracks on the cabin top this winter to give adjustable sheeting with the smaller genoa/jib. Any dimensions or comments from people who already have these tracks would be appreciated.
Gena luff is 9.75m, 18.96 Sqm, foot is 4m.
Main luff is 8.7, 17.25 Sqm, foot 3.45m