Question about rig

edited April 2021 in General
Screenshot_20210404-103626_Facebook Roll on the 12th , is it the glorious 12th. Notice on this oceanic the position of the mizzen and the boom of the main . Although bigger and heavier that a Catalac 8 or 9 . The position of the mizzen is available on a Catalac to fit a mizzen , it probably would require a bumpkin on the stern but there is definitely room to fit one. Has anyone tried or thought about it. The main mast is quite short and the addition of a bit of extra sail area low down , and / or the possible sail plan options , jib and mizzen ,mail reefed or down riding sail as anchor , even a mizzen stay sail and jib down wind Anyway anybody thought about it


  • Not me!.. the marina would ;love it too much.. Can you imagine how much they would charge for the extra length!!
  • A bumpkin can be made like a bowsprit on a hoist !
  • Well actually kataragama has a pair of davits they could be used

  • we to be honest if you look at the mizzen on this oceanic you could haul the boom up with the topping lift in a marina this boat has used the boom to lift the dingy . No dingy and the boom could be topped up no extra length then
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