fuel filter and airlocks

edited November 2020 in General
I have had a sort of epiphany . Was it painfull? No . Well smallish inline fuel filters . I have fitted 296 fuel filters with water separator but there is still a inline close to the engine well I always wondered why inlines always gather an airbubble. Because the dolphins have long fuel lines and our seatrial the outher week produced an fuel block after 20.mins . I have looked into the issue hard . I have ran the engines up a few times while tied up at just over tick over and after 15 mins ish they stop. It's an apparent air lock . What causes it is , the.inline fuel filter no.matter if it's full of fuel at the startup gains a big air bubble after 15 mins till the bubble goes below the engine fed line . It's caused by fuel evaporation in the fuel line building up in the filter . It's a gravity feed system and the long fuel line needs a vent in the filter back in to the top of the tank . We had the same problem on Achillea with the 40hp Suzuki . I didn't solve it then it was a seemingly random engine cut out after running for long periods on a warm day. Back then I did learn that I had to bleed the fuel line before it would restart but I couldn't fathom out where the air was getting into the line from it wasn't air. It was fuel evaporants building in the fuel line. On the inboard the compartment gets warm and after 20 mins the vapour locks the fuel line . If everyone knows it but me Dohhh
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