Woodworm on a Catalac

I have active woodworm or some other wood boring beetle larvae  in the undersink area on my 8M. There is fresh dust under the myriad of holes in the wooden framing of the sink although the ply itself does not seem to be affected. Some years ago I did see holes in some of the wooden framing structure under the port side steps down into the hull. At that time I was not concerned as I assumed that it was historical and not active, but I am now quite worried.
So down to the boat in a couple of weeks to cut away the affected wood, treat and replace with treated wood and hope that under the steps is still inactive.
Something you do not expect in a GRP boat!
Anyone else had this problem?


  • Woodworms are strange things they can live in the wood for a year to 4 5 years , then leave to mate often they lay eggs in the same piece of wood a few days later , so concentrating the local destruction
  • Is the pbo gribble you have to watch for, the oft reported fiberglass worm
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