Dolphin engine running

edited May 2022 in General
Starboard engine Running smoothly.


  • Unbelievable!
  • Port engine now running

  • the only issue I have had is air in the fuel line / vapour lock the fuel lines are 2 meters long and bother are gravity one is a syphon gravity the initial air leaks were sorted but the vapour lock on the port are a problem but I now know that the heat in the engine bays from the engine running for a few hours at a time warms the fuel line causing evaporation in the line which on the port engine slips back up the gradual inclined fuel line and breaks the syphon . I am going to re route the fuel line to the other side of the bay to keep the line cool which should solve the problem . I could route it close to, or even down the 3 inch blower pipe which will be cool
  • Well done!.. good to see how smal these dolphins are!

  • we mainly only used the starboard engine. As the port carburettor had a float valve issue which I couldn't solve until Tony via Alec sent me a new carb .They are tiny weighed these 32 kg each 12 hp from plymouth to padstow we used 2 tanks of fuel just under 8 gall total mileage . The tank for this engine is 25 liters and still have about 1/2 tank fuel left.150 miles top speed seems to be around 5.5 knots in still water with not much wind. We did have to run the outboard just over tickover to charge the batteries aside had no regulator . I have now got an original working regulator control box from William Mawhinney who has a catalac at Ambleside for which I am so grateful for cannot wait to fit at the end of May.
  • 2022-05-18_14.41.24 Starboard engine after a cleanup and paint . Sitting on a folding garden directors chair with a bit of chipboard over the arms.
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